MITEF Greece Startup Competition 2020: General Track

Presented by MIT Enterprise Forum

MITEF Greece Startup Competition 2020: General Track

The MIT Enterprise Forum (MITEF) Greece Startup Competition is a business skills accelerating competition in which Greek technology startups compete for prizes and international brand recognition. If you have an exciting new product or service, participating in the MITEF Greece Startup Competition will give you access to the practical knowledge, mentorship, and resources to take your venture to the next level. Competition winners are the best of the best  and will receive global recognition through the MIT Enterprise Forum Global, a global network devoted to enabling early-stage entrepreneurs to transform ideas into world-changing companies.

The “General Track” is designed to help ventures in fields such as biotech and life sciences, hardware, software, web applications, internet of things, nanotechnology, telecommunications and more.

Contact us at for any additional information you may need or visit .

Timeline |Applications Questions

Key dates and deadlines for the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece Startup Competition 2020.

  • November 15: Online Applications Open. Online application portal opens at 00:01 Athens time.

  • December 22: Online Applications Close. Online application portal closes at 23:59 Athens time.

  • 1st Round of Judging ends January 18, Judges evaluate applications and provide feedback to entrants. Each application receives scoring and feedback from multiple judges.

  • January 22: Semifinalists Announced. Semifinalists are individually notified and advance to Round 2.

  • February – May: Mentoring & Business Skills Workshops. Semifinalist startups refine all aspects of their venture during this intensive period with access to mentors, training workshops, marketing, media.

  • April 27-May 01: 2nd Round of Judging. Semifinalist teams pitch online to judges, highlight progress they've made.

  • May 28: Finalists Announced. 10 finalist teams are announced and invited to pitch to a high-profile panel of judges.

  • June 08: Final Judging and Award Ceremony. The top 10 startups pitch to a panel of judges, who pick winners. Winners and participants of the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece Startup Competition are celebrated.

Application Questions

Before entering your application, please read through the Application Questions and prepare your answers 

  • Information about each team member, including a paragraph about their team role and their relevant experience.
  • Tell us about your company:
    1. What is your company’s name? (100 characters)
    2. Under which industry does your company fall?
    3. Was your company incorporated? If so, please include the type (Inc, LLC, etc). (100 characters)
    4. When and where was your company incorporated?
    5. Has your company received funding and how much? (100 characters)
    6. How many full/part-time employees does your company have? (100 characters)
    7. Please provide your company’s website.
    8. Elevator pitch for Twitter (140 characters)
    9. Full elevator pitch (500 characters)
    10. Please list your company’s advisors and/or board members. (500 characters)
  • Product:
    1. Please describe what problem you are trying to solve (500 characters)
    2. Briefly, provide a summary of your solution to the problem. (500 characters)
    3. What is your product/service’s competitive advantage? (500 characters)
    4. How long can you maintain your competitive advantage? How will you do so? (500 characters)
    5. Does your product/service have an IP (intellectual property) component? (500 characters)
  • Market & Competition:
    1. What is your target market? (500 characters)
    2. What is the current size of the target market? (500 characters)
    3. What is the estimated annual growth of your target market? (500 characters)
    4. Who are your target customers? (500 characters)
    5. What steps have you taken to assess demand for your proposed product/service? (500 characters)
    6. In U.S. dollar terms, what is your estimated total addressable market? (500 characters)
    7. Who are your competitors in the market? (500 characters)
  • Financials & Business model:
    1. What is your company business model? (500 characters)
    2. How will your company make money? What will be its primary source of revenue? (500 characters)
    3. Does your company have revenues? If yes, how much? (500 characters)
    4. What funding is required to launch your company? If you have already launched and received funding, please discuss additional funding requirements. Please provide an explanation. (500 characters)
    5. What is your timeline for generating revenue after launch? (500 characters)
    6. Please provide financial projections. (500 characters)
    7. What is your timeline for breaking even after launch? (500 characters)
    8. What are your major challenges? How do you plan to address these challenges? (500 characters)
  • MITEF Greece:
  1. How do you expect MITEF Greece in general and the Startup Competition in particular to help your company? (500 characters)
  2. What do you expect to contribute to the local and global MITEF Community?

Supplemental Content

Required: Upload Executive Summary

Upload your executive summary, a 1-2 page PDF written summary covering the following topics:

  • Problem and solution
  • Business model
  • Proposed milestones
  • Market analysis
  • Intellectual property
  • Competition (including analysis and competitive advantages)
  • Revenue model/financial projections
  • Management team and Advisors / Board Members
  • Funding status


  • 2 pages, single-spaced on A4 paper with 2.5 cm margins (top, bottom, left and right). 12-point font with black text. No additional pages (title page, cover sheet etc.) may be submitted.
  • Must include team information
  • Must be in PDF format and submitted as a single file
  • May include images
  • May use any legible font
  • Unreadable submissions, as determined by the chapter, will be disqualified.
  • Cannot include links to online material such as websites or video.

Required: 1-3 Minute Video Statement

A video statement, pitching your idea.

Required: Personal Statement

A personal statement, a maximum of 3 pages, providing information that could not go into the executive summary. It should not be an addendum to the executive summary. Please be concise, less is more.

Examples of appropriate information to submit the personal statement:

  • Images/diagrams to illustrate the idea
  • Slides of a pitch deck
  • Additional research, such as customer profiles


  • The personal statement may be a maximum of 3 pages, single-spaced on A4 paper with 2.5 cm margins (top, bottom, left and right). 12 point font with black text.
  • Must be in PDF format and submitted as a single file.
  • Cannot include links to online material such as websites or video.


Not currently accepting entries for this competition.

Become a judge

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Key Dates
Competition Opens
Entry Deadline
Friday, November 15, 2019
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